Monday, 7 March 2016

3-D Structures

One of the math concepts we are working on this year is the ability to sort, create and describe 3-D objects. During our first lesson, we worked in groups and explored many different kinds of shapes/objects with which we could build. The Kiddoes quickly realized which objects were easier to build with and why. However, what fun is it really when we only build with small blocks? Instead, we used all the recycling which has come in over the past two weeks to create some amazing and very creative 3-D structures. Once we were finished building our structures, it was time to paint and bring them to life! We are almost done this exciting project. We have an amazing array of boats, planes, towers, castles, cars and even a star ship battle station in our midst!!! Tomorrow, I will begin the process of assessment and see if the Kiddoes are able to describe their wonderful creations. Hands on learning at its best!



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