Thursday 15 September 2022

This week we had fun, and learned a great deal while enjoying many activities stemming from the tale "The Gingerbread Man".

Initially, the Kiddoes were amazed to learn the written tale was in fact traditionally an oral story. It wasn't until recently (past 100 years) that individuals chose to record the tale into the written form. This understanding came as a result of noticing that instead of having an "author" on the cover, it stated, "retold by". It was interesting watching the Kiddoes begin to think "critically" about a story while also listening for enjoyment. Their ability to detect minute details around similarities and differences within the various versions was amazing. We also focused on "beginning, middle, end" of the story and making connections to things we already know and other books.

During the week the Kiddoes were also presented with other learning experiences. They created their own unique Gingerbread Man, and the highlight of the week was decorating a life sized Gingerbread Man cookie. There was an overwhelming amount of excitement in the afternoon when it was going to be time to eat it. After recess, I announced that it was time for us to finally eat our gingerbread man. All the Kiddoes surrounded the table and started a countdown for our feast. Much to our horror, when I lifted off the cover on the cookie, our gingerbread man was gone. In his place, he left a note telling us he did not want to be our snack. However, the gingerbread man did leave us a clue as to where he was going. After deciphering the first clue, we headed to the office to see if we could find him. Neither Mrs. Lippai or Mrs. Shields had seem him. 
What luck, we just missed him again. However, Mrs. Shields read to us the note he left in her office. It told us to go and look where we would find lots of books. The Kiddoes figured we should head to the library. When we got to the library, we were sad to find out that we had just missed the crafty cookie, but he did leave us another note. The Kiddoes figured out the next clue told us that the gingerbread man was off to see our amazing Administrative Assistant, Mrs. Stauch. However, once again we missed the tricky little man, but..... he left another note to taunt us. The note told us to look for him in room 3. We went on a hunt to find this room. When we got there, we were able to meet our new school counsellor Mrs. M. However, yet again he wasn't there. However, the note he left told us to look in room 8!  What we found was a surprise. Room 8 was OUR room. We opened the door and there, back on the table was our gingerbread man! We sat down to finally enjoy our tasty little man.

The conversations I overheard while the Kiddoes were eating were amazing. I loved listening to all the different theories on how our gingerbread man was able to escape. The Kiddoes were even making connections to some of our stories in their explanations.

This week was filled with lots of laughter and learning. Without even knowing it, the Kiddoes were exposed to outcomes in all of our curricular subjects. If this week is any indication of what the next 9 months are going to bring, I know I for one, am very excited.



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