Monday 19 September 2022

International Dot Day

Over the past week in class we celebrated International Dot Day. Right now you may be scratching your head wondering what International Dot Day is. This day has been set aside each year for classrooms around the world to get connected and to inspire students to make their mark! Based on the story "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds, students discover their inner artist and the ways in which they can make their mark. Often in class I overhear students lament about their inability to draw. However, we learned that we are ALL artists and that making a single dot on a paper is a way to "make our mark". The students were challenged to "make their mark" by drawing dots in crayon along the first letter in their name.




Once finished, we experimented just like 'Vashti' from the book with making different kinds of dots with water colour paints. Much to our surprise, when we painted over the crayon, it magically popped out! It was super cool to see how we could make amazing creations from just dots!



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