Friday 8 June 2018

New Centres (Class A and B)

A host of new centres were waiting for the Kiddos as the came back to school this week. Take a look!!!

1) The Camping Centre: Here the Kiddos have the opportunity to fish, tent, search for bugs, create bug books, sit around the fire and chat as well play a few different games. However, in order to camp, one must first have a permit!!!

Skills we are working on: socialization, fine motor control, alphabet recognition, reading and writing and collaboration.

Class A

Class B

2) Popcorn (Sight) Word Sand Challenge: In the sand table are several of the popcorn words the Kiddos have been learning. Their challenge is to see if they can find, write and read the 10 different ones in the table.

Skills we are working on: socialization, reading and writing

Class A

Class B

3) The Garden: The Kiddos have been tasked with designing a unique garden. They have been reading different gardening books and planting their own versions.

Skills we are working on: socialization, reading and fine motor control.

Class B

Class A

4) The Bean Table: Here the Kiddos have been asked to determine which container holds the most and which holds the least by using different capacity strategies. 

Skills we are working on: socialization, fine motor, and numeracy.

Table Games: There are a variety of numeracy and literacy table games for the Kiddos to have explore. 

5) Fashion Design 101: Here the Kiddos have been encouraged to explore their creative side and design unique fashion ensembles including dresses, pants, athletic wear etc.

Skills we are working on: socialization, creativity, fine motor, sequential planning.

Its been a great week here in K! 

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