Friday 8 June 2018

Garter Snake Research (Class A and B)

It started this week with a simple story of what I saw at my farm on the weekend. I told the Kiddoes that when I was putting out agility equipment for my dogs, the grass moved when I put a jump down! When I bent down to see what made the grass move I realized I had stepped on a garter snake. When they asked what I did, I responded, "screamed!". "Why", they inquired? I explained I didn't know much about snakes and because of that, I was scared. One Kiddoe wisely pointed out, "well... if you know about them, then you won't be scared anymore." Thus, a new project has begun. I have done this project a few times, and it is always becomes a favourite!

 First we drew a chart and labeled it with "What We Know (K)", "What We Wonder (W)" and "What We Have Learned (L)". We came up with a whole host of questions! Here are a few of them.

We then discussed how we were going to find out the information we wanted.

We decided we were going to look in a book first for information. I asked the Kiddos where we could find a garter snake book. They quickly replied, "in the library". Off we went to the library where we had a chat about fiction and non fiction books and how to use the Dewey decimal system to help find what we needed. We were able to find a book we thought could help us!

Once back in the room, I talked about how we could use the table of contents in the book to search for information quickly. We then spent a few minutes learning some pretty cool information. We were able to answer a couple of our questions, but we still have some to go. Stay tuned to see what we discover!!!

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