Monday, 21 November 2016


Last week we began a new program in our room called PWIM (picture word inductive model). PWIM uses pictures containing familiar objects, actions and scenes to draw out words from children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. Students are then shown how to properly sound out the words, write the words, and orally spell out the words. This week we created a writing centre where we are practicing writing the words that we "shook out". 

 Some of the advantages of PWIM are as follows:

- The strategy emphasizes phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage of Standard English.
- Pictures provide concrete references for the learning of new words, phrases, and sentences.
- As students are using pictures related to content material under study, they feel a part of the classroom community and can participate in class activities.
- The picture word chart serves as an immediate reference to enable students to add these words to their sight vocabulary. The teacher can choose to emphasize almost any sound and symbol relationship (introduced or taken to mastery).
- Students are assisted in seeing the patterns and relationships of the English language, enabling them to apply this learning to newly encountered words.
- Students hear and see words spelled correctly and participate in the correct spelling and writing.

 Check out the words we have already "shaken out" of our first PWIM picture!

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