Tuesday, 26 April 2016

New Kindergarten Orientation iMovie

The Kinders and I were talking last week, and I told them I was getting ready to meet next year's K Kiddoes and families. "How come?" they asked? I let them know that our school was going to be having the new K orientation night where families and students come to the school to learn about what K at Braun looks like (you may remember this from last year). I explained it wasn't my favourite thing to do because I don't especially like standing up in front of people and talking. Many of the Kiddoes quickly volunteered to do it for me!! I thought for a moment and realized.... why not! I told them the meeting was in the evening so they wouldn't be able to be there, but perhaps we could figure out a way they could help. "Let's make a movie." they suggested. Not one to shy away from a good idea, I figured since they are the 'experts' of K, they would be the perfect people to make a movie about it!

Our first step was to chart what we thought was important for new K's to bring with them to school. We made a list and then each Kiddoe had the opportunity to sign up to talk about an item. Busily they sat down with a partner to prepare a poster about the item they chose and decide what they wanted to say about it!






Next it was time to video! Holding an example of the item and the poster, each pair had the opportunity to explain the item and why it was important in Kindergarten. I must admit some of their explanations were quite hilarious!

I thought this would be the end of the project, but the Kiddoes decided they wanted to introduce the different people we see each day in the school and the different parts of the school. We made another list, and those who wanted to continue videoing signed up for who and where they wanted to video. Today we traipsed around the school getting different shots. Tomorrow as a class, we will sit together and I will show them how we can take the different photos and videos and combine them together into a movie using the app iMovie.

It has been wonderful watching the Kiddoes take charge of this experience. From brainstorming, creating posters, doing the filming, and tomorrow the production, they have been 100% in charge! I can't wait to upload our final movie. Stay tuned!

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