Monday, 28 September 2015

Twitter In The Classroom

This year, a goal of mine is to begin to incorporate the use of Twitter into the classroom in order to enable the Kiddoes to share their learning to a wider/global audience, and as a strategy to find answers to questions/wonders. Over the past few days, both classes have been introduced to Twitter as a strategy to answer random wonders that popped up during our circle time. The a.m. class was curious about how goo was made, and the p.m. class was curious about why the moon was red last night. In both cases we used Twitter to ask a greater audience for help. I introduced the Kiddoes to the process required to tweet, discussed how we should phrase our wonders, explained what an '@' symbol means, and how to check for notifications/responses. The Kiddoes were excited and amazed when people began favourite, re-tweet, and share answers to our wonders. Check out and follow our Twitter account to see the amazing learning that took place!


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