Wednesday 20 June 2018

Garter Snake Research cont... (A & B)

Over the past few weeks we have spent some time trying to find answers to our questions about garter snakes.  We were able to answer a few of our questions from the book we found in the library, however, during our reading, we came up with a few more!

Another strategy the Kiddoes suggested for finding information was to look on the computer. We watched a few videos and searched google to see if we could answer some of our questions. We found it extremely interesting how garter snakes use their muscles to contract and expand in order to move. The Kiddoes had a discussion about which they thought would be more difficult to do, walk or slither in order to get from one  place to another. We couldn't figure out an answer so we experimented with both!



We still have some questions left unanswered. Hopefully this week we will be able to speak with a garter snake expert!! Stay tuned!

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