Friday 22 June 2018

Budding Herpetologists!! (A & B)

Today may have been the best day of learning so far in our research project. The Kiddoes final strategy to learn information about garter snakes was to 'ask an expert'. My mom, (not an expert, but someone who knows a ton about garter snakes) came into the room to see if she could answer some of the questions we were having trouble figuring out. After spending some time discussing our questions, and even teaching us some amazing new facts about garter snakes, she showed us a  surprise! She had some real snake sheds from Ms. S's farm. We were amazed by the feel of them and surprised to see they were dry rather than slimy as we had predicted. Unfortunately this year for the first time in 9 years, even after utilizing a wide range of social media begging others to try and see if they could find one, we were unable to find a real garter snake to bring into the classroom (we believe do to a lack of snow insulation and the hibernaculums freezing).  However, we were able to learn so much more by being able to study the snake shed up close and live. Through this learning journey, we have come to realize garter snakes are actually pretty amazing!









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