Monday, 17 October 2016


In math we are currently learning about sorting and patterning. We have learned that patterns need to have a core that repeats at least three times. We have learned how to state what our pattern is, state what the core of the pattern is, and state what the name of the pattern is (AB pattern, AAB, ABB, ABC, etc.).  Your child can practice these concepts at home by doing the following activities:

- Make a colour pattern using 2 or 3 different coloured crayons or markers (green, green, yellow; green, green, yellow; green, green, yellow). Have your child describe the pattern, state what the core is, name the pattern, and say what would come next.

- Go on a pattern hunt at home. See how many things you can find that have patterns. Ask your child to describe the patterns. 

- Sort laundry or grocery items into groups with your child (all socks, all shirts, etc). Talk about how the items in each group are the same. 

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