Monday, 19 September 2016

Writing Our Names The Kindergarten Way

During circle time we have been selecting one student each day to be our "special person" of the day. During this activity we get to interview the special person, cheer and chant our his/her name, dissect each name (count the number of letters, syllables) and then we cut up the special person's name and his/her job is to see if they can put it back together. The Kiddoes have been learning names always have a capital letter at the beginning because they are super important and all super important words have a capital letter. They have also started to notice there is only ONE capital letter in a name (usually!!). So today during journal time, we learned how to write our names the Kindergarten Way!! It was a struggle for many of the Kiddoes to use lower case letters. However, I was very proud of each and every one of them for trying their very best!

Name writing practice is not something I will have the children complete as a table activity. I have found incidental learning through play to be a more effective learning opportunity. Throughout the year, many of the Kiddoes' learning centres have a literacy component attached where the Kiddoes are writing for their own purposes. It is an amazing thing to watch as this skill develops over time. Please watch and help your child at home when he/she is printing his/her name to ONLY use lower case letters!!

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