Thursday, 29 September 2016

New Centres

The Kiddoes have spent some time exploring new centres this week!!! I am a huge believer in the value of play as a learning medium. It is through play where children gain social and emotional skills, enhance language abilities, develop motor skills and increase cognitive abilities. Play is pleasurable and allows children to engage in repetitive acts which fuels confidence and mastery. This is why, as much as I can in my room, utilize play as a means to teach the curriculum.

1) Building Permits: This week saw the introduction of "building permits" in the block centre. I explained to the Kiddoes, that in life, if you wanted to build a structure, you would need to secure a permit in order to do so. If not, there could be serious consequences. Thus, in our room, in order to construct, one would now need to obtain a "building permit". Building permits in our room are secured daily by taking a slip and filling in one's name and the date. Kiddoes than bring the permit to either Ms. O. or myself and we give them a small sticker to show that a permit has been obtained. The children have reacted positively to our room emulating "real life" and quite enjoy the process of obtaining a building permit. Through this simple idea, the Kiddoes are practicing their writing skills without even realizing it. The Kiddoes are writing and enjoying it because it serves a purpose in which they are interested.

2) Name Puzzles: Each day we have a special helper of the day. As discussed earlier, we examine this person's name, cut it up, and then challenge the special person to put it back together. We have taken the cut up names and created a centre challenging the Kiddoes to put together each other's name. The Kiddoes are working on sequencing, letter recognition and socialization skills as they become more familiar with friends in the room. 

3) Make a Face Table: The Kiddoes have been tasked with creating a variety of different kinds of faces in the centre. They have different colours of paper from which to choose to create interesting art pieces. The Kiddoes are working on fine motor control, scissor skills while exploring their imagination. 


4) The Farm Table: The sand table has been transformed into a 'farm wonderland'. The Kiddoes are able to use their imagination to collaboratively play while exploring an important aspect of our provincial economy. There are books for the Kiddoes to inspect while making comparisons to the table, as well as answering questions that arise. 

5) Alphabet Sand Printing: This centre provides opportunities for the Kiddoes to practice making letters in a fun, and non-threatening manner. Often when writing on paper, children can become discouraged when trying to erase a mark and they can still see a faint line or a paper rips. In this centre, a quick sift of the sand and they can try again on a fresh slate!

6) Colour Sort: In math we are presently learning about sorting rules. This centre provides the Kiddoes with an opportunity to practice this numeracy concept as well as work on their fine motor control through the use of tongs. The Kiddoes have been challenged not to use their hands, and only the tongs in order to pick up objects and then sort them based on colour!

Have a great night!

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