Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Garter Snake Research Cont....

Last week we spent some time trying to find answers to our questions about garter snakes. Mrs. Wills brought us some interesting books from the library to help us with our research. The Kiddoes were intrigued to learn the difference between fiction and non-fiction books as well as how to use a table of contents! We were able to answer a few of our questions, however, during our reading, we came up with a few more!

Another strategy the Kiddoes suggested for finding information was to look on the computer. We watched a few videos and searched google to see if we could answer some of our questions. 

Yesterday however may have been the most fun so far in our research project. The Kiddoes final strategy to learn information was to 'ask an expert'. My mom, (not an expert, but someone who knows a ton about garter snakes) came into the room to see if she could answer some of the questions we were having trouble answering. After spending some time discussing our questions, and even teaching us some amazing new facts about garter snakes, she showed us a few surprises! The first was real snake sheds from Ms. S's farm. We were amazed by the feel of them and surprised to see they were dry rather than slimy as we had predicted. The second was an actual live garter snake from the farm. We were able to learn so much more by being able to study the snake up close and live. Each Kiddoe also had a chance to touch the snake. I was so proud that ALL students touched the snake! Take a look at our video!



We learned that there wasn't any need to hurt the snake in order for us to study and learn from it. We were relieved to know that Susan was going to take it back to the farm as garter snakes will live and hibernate in the same spot for their whole lives! We all agree.... the more we learn about garter snakes, the more we think that they are pretty cool rather than scary!!

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