Tuesday, 24 May 2016

I Wonder!

Today was a great day! I had one of those amazing moments as a teacher when you are able to step back and watch with amazement what the Kiddoes in the room are doing. More specifically, what they are doing that you never thought they would be able to do. We have been spending time lately looking at random pictures and trying to think about interesting questions. Today when the Kiddoes arrived, I had a photo of bubbles on our projector screen. As a class, we began to 'wonder'. I was impressed with the insightful questions the Kiddoes were asking. I decided to take a risk and see if they could 'wonder' by themselves. We had a quick discussion about finding 'good wondering spots' and then I handed out their journals. It wasn't long until you would have been able to hear a pin drop in the room. They were ALL completely engaged. They spent approximately 22 minutes 'wondering' and then asked to share their ideas. Once we finished sharing, we decided to see if we could answer a few of our 'wonders'. I turned the tables back on the Kiddoes and asked them how they wanted to find answers. "Youtube!", they decided. I spent some time explaining how to use the search feature on Youtube and then we proceeded to watch a few videos. While watching the videos, we had some discussions about what we should do if we find a video is not useful. The Kiddoes were surprised when I explained they didn't need to watch the entire video. I think it is so important to help the Kiddoes begin to learn to research in responsible ways. We were quite excited by a BBC documentary that answered many of our 'wonders'. Take a peek in your child's portfolio to see his/her wonder of the day!






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