Friday 13 November 2015

Patterns, Patterns, Here and There, Patterns, Patterns, Everywhere!

For the past few weeks we have been exploring the concepts of sorting and patterning in math. The children have been learning how to sort objects, explain the sorting rule, recognize patterns, reproduce patterns, predict what comes next in a pattern, extend patterns, and create patterns. They have also learned how to name patterns using attributes as well as letters (AB, ABB, AAB, ABC, etc.). Your child can practice these concepts at home by doing some of the following activities.

  1. Collect various shoes at home and put them into a pile. Ask your child to sort them (summer/winter; laces/Velcro; adult/child). Ask: “How did you decide what to put in each pile?”
  2. Sort laundry or grocery items into groups with your child (all socks, all shirts). Talk about how the items in each group are the same.
  3. Ask your child to sort cutlery when you set the table. Ask what is the same and what is different about the items (forks have pointed ends, all pieces have the same handles).
  4. Make a colour pattern using 2 or 3 different-coloured crayons or markers (green, green, yellow; green, green, yellow; green, green, yellow). Have your child describe the pattern and tell what comes next.
  5. Use household items to create and extend patterns. Lay down a row of spoons pointing in different directions in a particular pattern (up, up, down, up, up, down…) and ask your child to extend the pattern.
  6. Go on a pattern hunt at home with your child. See how many things you can find that have patterns. Ask your child to describe the patterns.
  7. Look for patterns in storybooks and songs. Many children’s books and songs repeat lines or passages in predictable ways, allowing children to recognize and predict the patterns.
  8. Create patterns using actions. Clap and stomp your foot in a particular sequence (clap, stomp, stomp…), and have your child repeat the same sequence. Then you can create variations of the pattern together!

Have fun sorting and patterning!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

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