Friday, 26 June 2015

Last Day of Kindergarten

It is hard to believe 183 days of Kindergarten are gone. The year flew by so quickly. We finished off the year by celebrating with a balloon party. Our first game was musical balloons. As music played, the Kiddoes were challenged to bat the balloons all around the room. When the music stopped, I called out a letter and whoever was holding the balloon with that letter on it received a prize!





Once finished, we headed outside to enjoy some fun with water balloons. The first game had the Kiddoes pair up and see who could toss/catch the balloon the furthest apart.



Finally it was time to get a little bit wet!! (Or a lot wet as it turned out!) Each Kiddoe had a balloon with which to spray and it was hilarious to watch as they went after each other!!




All too quickly our last day of Kindergarten came to an end. We have a come a long way this year together and I will never forget these amazing classes or the amazing families behind them. I want to say a sincere THANK YOU for all of your generosity and kind words. I love what I do and it has been an honour to spend the year with everyone. I would love to see what the Kiddoes are up to over the summer break. If you have downloaded Threering onto your phone or i-device, your child will know how to upload pictures to their portfolios. Let's turn the portfolios into "life portfolios"!! I hope you have a great summer!!

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